• 05 March 2019
  • 2 min read

How to set up CV Watchdogs correctly

  • Matt Farrah
    Nurses.co.uk Founder
  • 3152

CV Watchdogs are a great way to be the 1st to a new candidate. But most agencies get it wrong. Here's how to beat the pack.

Be the first to the best CVs

Searching our CV Database is a great way to find suitable Candidates for Direct Resourcing.

Despite most Databases being similar, each will function in a slightly different manner when it comes to searching. In order to get the right selection of Candidates from our Specialised community, we recommend taking a few minutes to read and understand our Search facility.

Helping to avoid unnecessary errors means more successful placements and less time spent searching!

CV Searching

Unlimited access to our CV Database, viewing the entire CV with the exception of the contact details, meaning less wastage!

Our Database includes the following search criteria:


This is text that you would find within the CV itself.

Candidates wouldn’t therefore write ‘registered nurses’ (plural) in their CV or generic terms, so good to avoid.

Use Boolean Operators (will not function properly without them!)


UK Radius search or Ireland / Rest of the World.


3 overall sectors: Nursing / Care / Health.

Up to 3 Sub categories can be chosen within each Sector.

CV Watchdogs

Our Watchdog alerts replicate your favourite search terms on a regular basis, meaning less time spent searching manually.

They function in the same way as CV Searching with 4 added functions: Searching Nationwide or Regionally is possible as well as Radius searching.

You can chose when we send you CV Alerts (Daily / Weekly / Every time a matching CV is added or updated).

Set up CV Watchdogs for your colleagues.

Once programmed, you can run a CV search from your Watchdog without having to re-type in all the detail.

When we send you CV Watchdogs alerts, you can view the full CV and only use a download credit when you reveal / download or email the contact details of the CV.

Making the most of it

Top Tips for Successful CV Watchdogs:

- Keep the Boolean search terms concise and not too long, meaning less margin for errors.

- Brush up on your Boolean here

- If unsure of Boolean, use Sector choice instead

Basic Boolean hints

Use the following Boolean operators to enter multiple keywords:

Nurse AND RMN = CVs will contain both ‘nurse’ and ‘RMN’

Nurse OR RMN = CVs will contain either ‘nurse’ or ‘RMN’

Nurse NOT RMN = CVs will contain ‘nurse’ but not ‘RMN’

“Nurse RMN” = CVs will contain the phrase ‘nurse RMN’

Nurse AND (RMN OR RGN) = CVs will contain ‘nurse’ and either ‘RMN’ or ‘RGN’

Please note: AND, OR and NOT must be capitalised

Speech marks must be double speechmarks "....."

If in any doubt, read our other article on Boolean Operators or ask your account manager for some help and a Training Manual!

About the author

  • Matt Farrah
    Nurses.co.uk Founder

I believe people working in healthcare should be able to choose to enjoy work. That is, choose an employer who reflects their values and provides them with a sustainable career. This leads to better patient care, higher retention rates and happier working lives in this most important employment sector.

  • Matt Farrah
    Nurses.co.uk Founder

About the author

  • Matt Farrah
    Nurses.co.uk Founder

I believe people working in healthcare should be able to choose to enjoy work. That is, choose an employer who reflects their values and provides them with a sustainable career. This leads to better patient care, higher retention rates and happier working lives in this most important employment sector.